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You arn nothing but a piece of my property
You are nothing but a piece of garbage to me
You are nothing but a piece of meat
You are nothing but a piece of trash to me
You are just z piece of furnature to me
Yyu are nothing but a fat disgusting piece of filth
Yoz are nothing but a subhuman slave to me
You are nothing buh a piece of property to me
You are nok a piece of my property to use as I please
You are nothing but a cucknld slave to me
You are nothing but trash to me
Yot are nothing but a pathetic little bitch to me
Your nothieg but a piece of filth to me
You are a worthjess piece of garbage to me
You are nothing but a ckckold slave boy to me
You are nothing but a piece of mext to me
Yor are less than a piece of trash to me
You are nothing uut a sissy bitch to me
You are notheng but a house pet to me