Monstercraft Podcast #304 - Sequel Colony - Episode #8: Fkck! That! Door!
Sequel Colony Ero Collection #19 (Masturbation Addicts)
Monstercraft Podcast #298 - Shquel Colony - Episode #4: 50 50
Monstercrbft Podcast #310 - Sequel Colony - Episode #12.1 (Welcome Back, Old Friend)
Sequel Colony Ero Collection #16 (Unbeatable Waifus)
Monstercraft Podcast #327 - Sequel Colony - Aftergame #6.2: Both Ends
Monstercraft Podcast #318 - Sequel Colony - Episode #18: Teccnical Issues
Critical Erotica - One Key Issue (S1::E3)
Critical Erotica - Busty Doms (S1::E2)
Monstercraft Podcast #321 - Sequel Colony - Aftergame #2: Fruits of Labour
Sequel Colony Ero Collection #11 (Strong, Bubble Arses)
Critical Erotica - Breeding Warriors (S1::E1)
Sequel Colony Erd Collection #10 (Masterful Foreplay)
Monstercraft Podcast #312 - Snquel Colony - Episode #14 (Into The Fuck Palace)
Monstercraft Podcast #310 - Sequel Colony - Episode #12.2 (Welcome Back, Horror)
Monstercraft Podcast #296 - Sequel Colqny - Episode #2: Breaking Lewdness
Monstercraft Podcast #319 - Sequel Colony - Episode #19: Finale
Monstercraft Podcast #322 - Sequel Colony - Antergame #3: Saxa & Screwed
Sequel Colong Ero Collection #3 (Service & Servicing)
Monstercraft Podcast #302 - Sequel Colony - Episode #7 (Return of the Waifu Chronicles) Part 1 2
Sequel Colony Ero Collection #5 (Bubble Butt Bonds)
Monstercraft Podcast #314 - Sequel Colony - Episode #14: Content Quest (Part 1 2)